Braiding Lives

Braiding Lives, ©2014

Sharon's collection of Jewish themed poems, Braiding Lives, was a finalist in the 2013 Poetica Magazine annual chapbook contest.

"Braiding Lives celebrates the moments that make life luminous. Sharon Lask Munson’s language renders the transformations of life into art, the moments that make life beautiful. Sharon’s poems have a generous helping of her family history, food that will make you hungry, and early years filled with great tenderness. Sharon’s own words describe her poetry best: “Order up Laughter. / Let the stories be tender, the poetry loving.” Her poems anoint you with vision and grace."
Diane Frank, Author of Swan Light
and Yoga of the Impossible

"Like her Detroit neighbor, Philip Levine, Sharon Lask Munson speaks from the heart of the American Jewish experience. The poems take us on a journey from “a small Georgia town / “He heard a voice calling, Landsman?” to Jerusalem, Germany, Russia, Brooklyn. Throughout these pages are woven the strands of lineage, of family, of community, of “The Whole Mishpocha.” Munson perfectly expresses the delicate yet powerful double-hold that continuity and change exert in Braiding Lives."
— Toni Hanner, Author of Gertrude
and The Raveling Braid

For a signed copy, contact the author!
Or, available online from Amazon
Or, order at your favorite bookstore using the book code:
ISBN: 1942051042 |  EAN: 978-1942051046


That Certain Blue, ©2011

That Certain Blue, published by Blue Light Press, is Sharon Lask Munson's first full-length book of poems. She invites the reader into a world of compassion and tenderness, family history and traditions, affirming a life of grace and quiet joy.

Books are in stock at 1st World Publishing: 641-209-5000
or online from Amazon
It's now available as an e-book on Kindle!
Or, order at your favorite bookstore using the book code:
ISBN: 1421886294 |  EAN: 978-1421886299

Stillness Settles Down the Lane, ©2010

Sharon's chapbook, published by Uttered Chaos Press, is now in its second printing. The book can be ordered directly from Uttered Chaos, or can be picked up from your favorite bookstore, including

  • Tsunami Books 2585 Willamette Street, Eugene, OR 97405
  • Grass Roots Bookstore  227 SW 2nd Street, Corvallis, OR

ISBN# 978-0-9823716-2-6

"Stillness is a gentle, reflective, and very brave collection of poems."
• Beth Lepore

"Sharon truly writes from the heart. Love for family shines through. She paints wonderful pictures of the Detroit she knew."
• Marge Raiche

"This is a fine collection of poems, both comfortable and compassionate. Sharon begins and ends in nature and in between we are nestled in gentle poems of love, growing up, and growing older."
• Laura LeHew

"I can hear Sharon’s “voice” in each of the poems.  They make me laugh and they make me cry."
• Linda Lewis

And of course, contact Sharon for a signed copy!




©2010-2025, Sharon Lask Munson